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  • 张玉宁
  • 2024-07-12 14:43:12
  • 7


在2016年里约奥运会上,张玉宁和她的中国女排队员们取得了出色的成就。她们在小组赛中取得了5胜无败记录,并在淘汰赛中击败了世界排名第一的美国女子排球队,夺得了 bronze medal。这个成就标志着中国女排队伍历史性的进步

张玉宁 herself is a shining star in the world of volleyball. She has been praised for her exceptional leadership skills and her ability to make quick decisions on the court. Her experience and expertise have played a crucial role in China''s success in international competitions.

在 Zhang Yuning带领下,中国女排队伍已经成为亚洲排球强豪。2019年,她还带领中国女排队伍参加了第13届女子排球世界杯,并帮助团队再次获得亚军的成绩。

Zhang Yuning''s dedication and perseverance have inspired many young volleyball players in China. She is a role model for Chinese athletes.html">athletes, showing that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.