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Zhang Yuning, a Chinese professional footballer, has been suffering from an injury that has left him unable to participate in matches. The 25-year-old forward was substituted off the field during a game last month due to a severe hamstring strain.

According to sources close to the team, Zhang''s injury is a grade three tear, which requires extensive rehabilitation and therapy. His doctor has recommended a minimum of six weeks of rest and recovery before he can start light training.

Zhang''s teammates have expressed concern for his well-being, with some saying that they miss his presence on the field. "We''re all rooting for him to get better," said one teammate. "He''s an important part of our team and we need him back as soon as possible."

As Zhang begins his recovery journey, he faces a long and arduous road ahead. His rehabilitation program will include a combination of physical therapy, strength training, and mental preparation to get him back to his best form.

Zhang''s injury has also raised concerns about the long-term effects on his career. Will he be able to regain his pre-injury form, or will this setback have a lasting impact on his performance? Only time will tell, but for now, fans and teammates alike are keeping fingers crossed for his speedy recovery.