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根据官方的报告,曲乐恒和张玉宁于2017年10月份结婚,但在2018年3月份时,他们之间发生了一些冲突。 authorities say the couple had some conflicts around October 2017, but in March 2018, they escalated to physical violence.

官方说,曲乐恒和张玉宁于2018年3月份的某一天晚上,在一起吃饭时,发生了争执,这导致了两人之间的暴力冲突。根据警方的描述,这个事件中没有任何第三者的干预,都是曲乐恒和张玉宁之间的私人恩怨。 authorities say that on the night of March 2018, there was an argument between the couple during a meal, which led to physical violence. According to police, no third party intervened in this incident, it''s just a private matter between the two.

在这个事件发生后,曲乐恒和张玉宁被捕,并且他们的家人也受到影响。这次事件引发了广泛的关注和讨论,人们对曲乐恒和张玉宁的生活家庭关系产生了一定的疑问。After the incident, Harmony and Zhang Yuning were arrested, and their family members were also affected. This event sparked widespread attention and discussion, people questioned the private life and family relationship of Harmony and Zhang Yuning.

事实上,这个案件的真相是曲乐恒和张玉宁之间的私人恩怨,官方没有找到任何证据表明他们之间存在着暴力或虐待行为。实际上,这个事件只是一个私人恩怨的结果,并且不涉及到任何第三者的干预。In reality, the truth of this case is that it''s just a private matter between Harmony and Zhang Yuning, and there''s no evidence to prove that they have violent or abusive behavior. In fact, this incident is just the result of a private dispute, and it doesn''t involve any third party intervention.

在这个案件的真相被揭露后,曲乐恒和张玉宁的家人也受到影响,他们的私生活和家庭关系受到了一定的影响。After the truth of this case was revealed, Harmony and Zhang Yuning''s family members were also affected, their private life and family relationship were influenced to a certain extent.